Spring 2024 Lecture Poster

Competition: First Place
Completion Date: January 2024
Typology: Graphic Design
Academic: Graduate
Collaboration: Courtney Ward

Project Description

The Weitzman School of Design hosted a poster design competition for the 2024 Spring Lecture Series. All students were invited to submit original designs that captured the spirit and essence of the Department of Architecture lecture series. The selected designs were to serve as promotional material not only within the Weitzman community but also across various social media platforms and in printed posters distributed to architecture schools around the world.
The competition presented a unique opportunity to explore and experiment with graphic representational tools and strategies. In collaboration with Courtney Ward, the design entry utilized construction document iconography on a vibrant color palette of pink, yellow, and orange to highlight the speakers in the lecture series. The design was selected amongst 29 entries by a blind jury headed by Department Chair Rossana Hu. Working with a local print shop, over 400 copies were distributed globally to faculty, administration, and students of Architecture.