Critic: Danielle Willems
TA: Shan Li
Completion Date: December 2021
Typology: Museum
Academic: Graduate
Collaboration: Individual

Project Description

(the) CARBON BUDGET intends to peel back the façade of the museum typology by recalling the articulation of industrial history and deconstructing the narratives underneath the surface of artistic ownership and display. Through introducing a critical inquiry into the role of the universal museum and its global consequences, the extension proposal seeks to erode the western model of privileged artistic consumption that dominates untold narratives in a similar fashion to the disproportionate contribution to the global carbon budget having greater impact on the lower-emitting Global South. In order to destabilize the choreography of this systemic typology, the building utilizes a hyper tectonic construction exploring a grand cantilever to combat potential site flooding and to empower the excessive expression of structure, and therefore, truth. The celebration of industrial articulation highlights the mechanical, the procession, the unspoken in service of liberating the art it houses. This intends to expose a heightened reality of its display and the carbon footprint required to manufacture this setting.